Friday, September 10, 2010

Week of September 6th

We have had a great week! The kids are beginning to understand the routine. We have our schedule on the board daily that we cross off as we finish an activity.

Yesterday, we had our first Mystery Reader. The kids enjoyed listening to a story from Mrs. Daniel. Thank you for joining our class yesterday!

Today, we had our first stations. On Fridays, stations take the place of reading groups. During this time, the kids are investigating and exploring independently. We have six different stations. The kids get to pick where they want to go. The theme for stations this week was the alphabet. Kids had the choice of magnetic letters, play-doh letters, lacing letters, stamping letters or writing letters. Kids are free to rotate when they like and to where they like. If they haven't switched after 15 minutes then, a timer goes off and they pick a different station. The kids seemed to really enjoy the freedom and activities! Ask your child what activities they chose to do. -- Next week our stations will be about APPLES!