Friday, September 3, 2010


We were so lucky today to have our Occupational Therapist, Miss Jessie, come into our classroom! We put a dot on each student's right hand to help them differentiate between right and left hand.

Miss Jessie also reviewed how we should hold a pencil. The steps to a good pencil grip are written below to help reinforce at home.

1. make an "ok" sign with the hand you use to write
2. use the pointer finger and thumb to pinch the pencil.
3. "tall man" (middle finger) is used to support the pencil. It just sits beside the pointer and thumb.
4. The last two fingers (ring and pinkie) get to curl up and sleep.

I will be using these terms in class. Please practice at home too! Students may also come home with dots on their hands more frequently. Test your child on the hand names. If you have any questions about pencil grips, let me know!